Leerstoel Sustainable Chemical Technology (1997-2008)
Prof.ir. G.J. Harmsen
Prof.ir. G.J. (Jan) Harmsen graduated from the Technical University Twente in the Netherlands in1977. In that year he joined the Royal Shell Research Laboratories in Amsterdam in the Equipment Engineering Department. He has worked at various positions in Shell, notably as reaction engineer, biotechnologist in the UK, advising technologist at Pernis, conceptual process design in the Hague, and is now principal process developer in Shell Global Solutions at Shell Research and Technology Amsterdam.
In 1997 Jan Harmsen was appointed Hoogewerff-professor at Delft University of Technology, to start a new part-time chair Sustainable Chemical Technology in the Chemical Engineering Department. In 2006 the chair moved to RijksUniversiteit Groningen, Department of Chemical Engineering.
The chair focuses on education and research about sustainable design of processes, products and systems. It provides one M.Sc. course, Sustainability for Engineers, and a Ph.D. course, Sustainable Design of Processes, Products and Systems, specifically for Ph.D. students of the Netherlands Research School for Process Technology (OSPT).